First words in French: Ages 3-7

It’s fun learning your first words in French.  It's amazing how quickly the amount of French words you know soon mounts up, especially if you review them often.  For children under 7 it is beneficial for them to learn either individual words as they come across things or to learn a few new words at a time (3-4 words is ideal).  In our fantastic range of books we have the following books for children aged 3-7 learning French:

  • A French colouring book which focuses on just one new word per page
  • A French activity book with 3-4 French words per page, many fun activities to complete and pictures to colour
  • Short stories in English which introduce children to their first words in French
  • A teacher's resource book containing activity sheets and games to play with a class or at home
A cute dog, fish and lorry appear on the cover of French Colouring Book For Kids Ages 5-7 by Joanne Leyland

French colouring book for kids ages 5-7

Learning your very first words in French is fun with this fantastic colouring book! 

The following ten topics are covered in this book:  pet animals, transport, fruit, farm, restaurant, zoo, birthdays, garden, clothes and the countryside.  

ISBN: 9781914159435   

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.2  

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.4  

Number of pages: 104

Suggested age: 5 -7

The colouring pages in this book are single sided, and have one French word per page so your little one can focus on learning just one new word at a time. The English word is also shown on each page in a smaller font size.  Once completed, try to look back at the French words from time to time to help your child remember them.

This book is available  worldwide, from Amazon and bookstores in many different countries.

Young cool kids learn french

Book cover of Young Cool Kids Learn French has a winking face and the background is blue, white and red like the French flag
introductory page for the picnic topic has a picture of a teddy bear and some food
preview of an activity sheet for the picnic topic

ISBN: 9781914159206

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.3 Number of pages: 52

Suggested age: 5 -7

Ideal for young children learning their first words in French. This enjoyable book introduces and practises key vocabulary for eight popular topics.  The French words are introduced a few words at a time, then practised in a fun way so as to help embed these words in your child's memory.   

At the back of the book is a French word game, a useful French - English word list and the answers.  

It is important to review the French your child learns to help them remember more in the long run, so try to look back from time to time at the introductory page for each topic once the book is completed.

Topics include:  numbers, teddy bear's picnic,  greetings and essential words, toys, colours, a trip to the beach, ice creams, zoo animals.  

Interested in this book? Amazon and bookstores worldwide sell this book.

Stories for young children

We all love stories, so stories can be a great way to introduce children to their first words in French!   Our author Joanne Leyland has written 7 books which are ideal for children aged 3 to 7 who are learning French.  The stories have an English storyline which incorporates many useful French words.   And there are two fantastic stories in each book.  At the back of each book there are two pages that may be photocopied for class or home use:

  • Useful French words and phrases to help children learn their first words in French.  One follow-on activity children can do after reading the stories is to create a poster by copying some of the words and pictures.  This page is also useful to refer back to, so as to review the French words that appear in the stories.
  • A short song that could be sung or made into a rap - how many different versions can you create?

These stories are available on Amazon as an ebook or a paperback.  You can also purchase a paperback version from bookstores in many different countries.

Daniel And the french robot - book 1                

First words in french - Two great stories: Daniel meets the French robot / The day daniel wasn't well

In the first story in this book Daniel meets a French speaking robot, and he practises how to say various types of transport in French as the robot beams an image of this type of transport. In the second story in this book children learn how to say various food. The stories teach French to young children in a fun way by introducing only a few French words at a time as the French robot and Daniel talk together. The main parts of the stories are in English so that young children can understand the stories, but there are many French words and phrases throughout both stories. The stories are ideal to help young children learn their first words in French!

The French robot and three children appear on the cover of Daniel And The French Robot Book 1 First Words In French
sample page of a story with the French robot
sample page of the story showing Daniel with some strawberries

The French vocabulary introduced in Book 1 includes: 

  • Greeting:  Bonjour! / Au revoir!
  • Essential phrases:  s’il vous plaît / merci /merci beaucoup / Oh la la / C’est fini? / oui / Comment ça va? / Ça va très bien / Ça va mal  
  • Introductions: Je m’appelle…
  • Numbers: un / deux / trois
  • Transport: un train / un avion / un bus / une voiture
  • Food: des biscuits / des céréales / du potage / un gâteau
  • Fruit:  des fraises / une orange  

Daniel And the french robot - book 2

First words in french - Two great stories: The french cafe / daniel's hobbies

ISBN: 9781914159336

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2

Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Daniel and his friends pretend to be in a lovely French café in the first story in this book.  They each order a drink in French, but will the French robot remember what they ordered?   

In the second story in this book Daniel and the French robot talk about the hobbies they have.  Will they like the same things?

A pretend French cafe and images of the easy French words to learn appear on the cover of Daniel And The French Robot Book 2

The French vocabulary introduced in book 2 includes:

  • Greeting words: Bonjour! / Au revoir!
  • Essential phrases: s’il vous plait / merci
  • Numbers: un / deux / trois / quatre / cinq
  • Drinks: une limonade / un jus d’orange / un coca / un jus de pomme 
  • Hobbies: le mini-golf / le football / nager / lire / chanter / patiner
  • Opinions: J’aime / Je n’aime pas

ISBN: 9781914159343 

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2 Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Daniel And the french robot - book 3

First words in french - Two great stories: Daniel's toys / Daniel helps pere noel

In the first story in this book, the French robot wraps up some of Daniel’s toys, and Daniel has to guess what they are. But are they all his toys? In the second story, Daniel helps Père Noël by counting in French how many books and scarves there are, and by wrapping some presents. Père Noël lets Daniel choose something to take home, but what will he choose?

Illustrations of some easy French words for children to learn are shown on the cover of Daniel And The French Robot Book 3

The French vocabulary in Book 3 includes:

  • Essential phrases: Bonjour, Au revoir, s'il vous plait, Regarde, Aidez-moi!
  • Numbers: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
  • Toys: un ballon, un bateau, un nounours, une poupée, un vélo
  • Christmas presents: un livre, une écharpe
  • Family members: mon père, ma mère
  • Christmas words: Père Noël, le sapin, cadeaux

ISBN: 9781914159350

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2

Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Sophie and the french magician

First Words In French - Two Great Stories: At The Fair / Sophie’s Birthday Party

With two great stories in each book, learning French is fun with the French magician!  In the first story, the French magician asks everyone to clap and say three times various French words as he makes a coin vanish and some animals appear. In the second story, it’s Sophie’s birthday party and the French magician makes teddies of various colours appear, as everyone claps and says three times some colours in French.

The French magician, three children and 2 adults on the cover of Sophie And The French Magician First words in French
sample page of the story showing the French magician
sample page of the story showing a rabbit inside the magician's hat

The French vocabulary in this book includes:

  • Essential words: Bonjour! / Au revoir! / merci 
  • Asking how you are: Comment ça va? / Ça va très bien
  • Introductions: Je m’appelle…
  • Numbers: un / deux / trois
  • Animals: un oiseau / un chien / un lapin
  • Colours: rose / vert / bleu / violet / orange / rouge / jaune
  • Food: des bonbons

ISBN: 9781914159398 

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2

Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Jack and the french languasaurus - book 1

First words in french - Two great stories: Fruit / the missing sheep

In the first story, Jack meets a French speaking dinosaur (a French languasaurus) and he learns how to say some fruit in French. In the second story, Jack and the French languasaurus count in French the number of sheep on Jack’s farm. There are six sheep on Jack’s farm. However, one night the sheep start disappearing! Will the French languasaurus be able to solve the mystery of the missing sheep? Read to the end of the story to find out!

A blue, white and red dinosaur and some farm animals are illustrated on the cover of Jack And The French Languasaurus Book 2
example page of the story showing the French speaking dinosaur fast asleep
sample page of the story showing five sheet in a field

The French vocabulary introduced in book 1 includes:

  • Essential phrases: Bonjour! / Au revoir! / Je m’appelle… / merci / Oh la la
  • Asking how someone is: Comment ça va? / Ça va très bien
  • Numbers: un deux trois quatre cinq six
  • Fruit: des fruits / une pomme / une poire / une orange / une banane
  • Other words: un oeuf / les moutons / un chien / il y a / J’ai faim

Jack and the french languasaurus - book 2

First words in french - Two great stories: the farm animals / vegetables

ISBN: 9781914159367 

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2 Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Jack learns how to say some farm animals in French in the first story in this book and they count how many there are. In the second story in this book, Jack and the French languasaurus set out to investigate what is growing on the farm. But will the Languasaurus like all the vegetables that are growing on the farm?

A French speaking dinosaur and some farm animals are illustrated on the cover of Jack And The French Languasaurus Book 2

The French vocabulary in book 2 includes:

  • Numbers: un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix
  • Farm animals: un cochon / un cheval / une poule / une vache / un mouton / un canard / des poussins / des veaux
  • Opinions: J’aime / Je n’aime pas
  • Vegetables: les carottes / les pois / le mais / les pommes de terre

ISBN: 9781914159374

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2 

Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

Jack and the french languasaurus - book 3

First words in french - Two great stories: the scarecrow competion / the treasure hunt

In the first story in this book the French languasaurus teaches Jack how to say some clothes in French as they dress some scarecrows for a competition. And in the second story, Jack learns how to say some places in French as they go on a treasure hunt. But will they find the hidden treasure?

A dinosaur, treasure chest and clothes appear on the cover of Jack And The French Languasaurus Book 3 First Words In French

 The French vocabulary in book 3 includes:

  • Essential phrases: Oui  / merci
  • Asking how you are: Comment ça va? / Comme ci comme ça
  • Numbers: un / deux / trois / quatre / cinq
  • Clothes: une robe / une jupe / un jean / un short / un t-shirt
  • Places: le café / les toilettes / le lac / le magasin / le parking
  • Other words and phrases: un nounours / le trésor / Oh la la / C’est fantastique

ISBN: 9781914159381

Size in inches: 8.5 x 11 x 0.1

Size in cm: 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.2

Number of pages: 28

Suggested age: 3 - 7

You may also find the French books which have a suggested age range of 7-11 of interest:   

French ages 7-11